According to the new covid-19 measures from Monday 22/11/21 the entrance of visitors to the Fokida Mining Park will take place only with a mandatory presentation of a vaccination certificate, or a disease certificate (up to 6 months from the diagnosis). Minors from 4 to 17 years old can submit a statement of negative self-test […]
Read more Announcement 22/11/2021Vagonetto Park

The idea for the creation was born from the same people who worked in the mines and wanted to preserve and expose the memories of the place - most closely associated with bauxite mining process ...

A tour through Vagonetto gives the visitor the chance for a step-by-step introduction to the bauxite mining process. The acquaintance with the history of bauxite begins with a tour in the exhausted underground Tunnel 850, continues in the...

Gain first-hand experience and explicit knowledge of how Bauxite is excavated. Experience the everyday life of miners through their own narrations. Get on the train that was used to transfer them in the heart of the mountain and ‘listen’ to their conversations.

Latest news
Sep, 10
Announcement 10/9/2021
From 13th of September until 31/3/2022, the entrance of visitors to the Mining Park of Fokida will take place only with a certificate of vaccination, or disease (up to 6 months from the diagnosis) and for unvaccinated people who have performed a laboratory rapid antigen test up to 48 hours before. Vaccination certificate, disease, negative […]
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Mar, 16
Announcement 16/3/2020
The museum will stay closed until the end of March due to Coronavirus outbreak. Thank you.
Read more Announcement 16/3/2020Dec, 18Announcement about online Booking
Dear visitors, we would like to inform you that booking through our site is temporarily unavailable. For bookings you can call us at 22650 78819. Thank you.
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Nov, 19
Announcement for 04-12-2018
Hello, We would like to let you know that the Metallurgy Park will remain closed at 04-12-2018 to celebrate the Saint Barbara day. Thank you!
Read more Announcement for 04-12-2018Aug, 23Announcement 23/8/2018
Due to renovation of the building from 24-8-2018 until 7-9-2018 in Vagonetto, only the guided tour in the underground mine will be available (duration:30 minutes) Thank you
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Jun, 12
Announcement for 22-6-2018
Fokis Mining Park will remain closed for the public on 22-6-2018, in order to serve the needs of Imerys Employees for the safety training. Thank you.
Read more Announcement for 22-6-2018Mar, 28Ανοιχτο καλεσμα σε αποφοιτους των Τομεων Γλυπτικης
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά.
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Mar, 14
Η ημερα της απονομης
Η ημέρα της απονομής: Ο διαγωνισμός ολοκληρώθηκε, την ημέρα εορτασμού της προστάτιδας των Μεταλλωρύχων Αγ. Βαρβάρας ,με την τελετή απονομής και ολοήμερη γιορτή για όλους τους επισκέπτες. Στο παραδοσιακό γλέντι παρευρέθη όλη η τοπική κοινωνία αλλά και οι εργαζόμενοι της Εlmin Bauxites οι οποίοι γιόρτασαν και επισκέφθηκαν από κοντά τα ολοκληρωμένα έργα των καλλιτεχνών. Niκήτρια […]
Read more Η ημερα της απονομηςMar, 14Προσκληση για την παρουσιαση του βραβειου Λαππα
Πρόσκληση για την παρουσίαση του βραβείου Λάππα εν όψει του ανοιχτου καλέσματος για το Βραβείο Λάππα 2017 To βραβείο Λάππα είναι μια συνεργασία του Μεταλλευτικού Πάρου Φωκίδας Vagonetto και της ΑΣΚΤ προς τιμη του εκλιπόντος καθηγητη της σχολής Γεωργίου Λαππα Την Πέμπτη 30/3 στο χώρο της βιβλιοθήκης θα πραγματοποιηθεί μια ενημέρωση για την εικαστική διαμονή […]
Read more Προσκληση για την παρουσιαση του βραβειου Λαππα